0xeDAF1F5B8078d4feb4E13c8d5A2c8dE1365be7b6 0xeDAF1F5B8078d4feb4E13c8d5A2c8dE1365be7b6
Altrucoin is a decentralized finance token built to bring together defi lending, token reflection, charitable donations, and decentralized governance.
Audit Details
Audited project: Altrucoin
Deployer address: 0x25A7aB5a0A175688adE82bC452A638B0E964EdAD
Client contacts: Altrucoin team
Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
Project website: Not provided by Altrucoin team
Сontracts Details
Token contract details for 08.06.2021
Contract name: Altrucoin
Contract address: 0xeDAF1F5B8078d4feb4E13c8d5A2c8dE1365be7b6
Total supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000
Token ticker: ALTRUCOIN
Decimals: 9
Token holders: 2,507
Transactions count: 10,856
Top 100 holders dominance: 87.93%
Liquidity fee: 2
Tax fee: 5
Total fees: 110333184194501855991035
Uniswap V2 pair: 0x0f549dfa141000fa40b74a2b11031dd105b5127c
Contract deployer address: 0x25A7aB5a0A175688adE82bC452A638B0E964EdAD
Contract’s current owner address 0xcf6b15bd93afacc413352aa5b20bd7724d253d47
Altrucoin Token Distribution
Issues Checking Status
Security Issues
High Severity Issues
No high severity issues found.
Medium Severity Issues
No medium severity issues found.
Low Severity Issues
1. Out of gas
• The function includeInReward() uses the loop to find and remove addresses from the _excluded list. Function will be aborted with OUT_OF_GAS exception if there will be a long excluded addresses list.
• The function _getCurrentSupply also uses the loop for evaluating total supply. It also could be aborted with OUT_OF_GAS exception if there will be a long excluded addresses list.
Check that the excluded array length is not too big.
Owner privileges (In the period when the owner is notrenounced)
• Owner can change the tax, charity, development, marketing and liquidity fee.
• Owner can change the maximum transaction amount.
• Owner can exclude from the fee.
• Owner can lock and unlock. By the way, using these functions the owner could retake privileges even after the ownership was renounced.
• Owner can change Uniswap router and pair.
• Owner can change charity, development, marketing and liquidity addresses.
Smart contracts contain low severity issues! Liquidity pair contract’s security is not checked due to out of scope.
Liquidity locking details NOT provided by the team.
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